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Bạn muốn đặt mua sách "Boy Meets Girl" thì có thể liên hệ mình qua website, Fanpage, hoặc Facebook. Tốt nhất là pm qua facebook nhé.
I Kissed Dating Goodbye shocked the
publishing world in 1997 with its meteoric rise to the top of bestseller
lists. Teens wanted more than dating "rules" they wanted an
intentional, God-pleasing game plan. In this dynamic sequel, newlyweds
Joshua and Shannon Harris deliver an inspiring and practical
illustration of how this healthy, joyous alternative to recreational
dating biblical courtship worked for them. Boy Meets Girl helps readers
understand how to go about pursuing the possibility of marriage with
someone they may be serious about. It's the natural follow-up to the
author's blockbuster book on teen dating!
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