Mua Sách Tiếng Anh Stop, Think, Go, Do

Bạn đang cần tìm mua sách ngoại văn ở Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Đà Nẵng, Nha Trang. Đặc biệt, là cuốn Stop, Think, Go, Do: How Typography and Graphic Design Influence Behavior. Hãy liên hệ với shop "Bookstore Truyện Sách Tiếng Anh".

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- Bìa cứng - 224 trang - New
This revolutionary guide is not only the first to look at how typography in design creates a call to action, but it also explores type and image as language. Stop, Think, Go, Do is packed with arresting imagery from around the world that influences human behavior. Page after page, you’ll find innovative messages that advocate, advise caution, educate, entertain, express, inform, play, and transform.
"Bookstore Truyện Sách Tiếng Anh" is the used book store in Viet Nam. Sometimes you can find some books with a half price books.

Mua Sách Tiếng Anh Stop, Think, Go, Do

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