Học Từ Vựng Tiếng Anh qua "Yoga"

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Học từ vựng tiếng Anh qua bài 10 lợi ích sức khỏe của việc tập Yoga - The Top 10 Health Benefits of Yoga.

Have you ever done any yoga? What did you think of it? What did you like or dislike about it? Why do you think people do yoga? What other forms of exercise do you do? Why do you do it? What do you do if you're feeling tense and stressed? How do you think yoga can help with this? Which positions do you find the most difficult?

Yoga can make you feel good both physically and mentally. Here's how.
1. Balance - Yoga can help with your sense of balance. There are all sorts of positions to help with this, such as Tree Pose where you have to stand on one leg.

2. Flexibility - Moving and stretching in new ways will make you more flexible. Over time, you’ll find you’re more flexible in your hamstrings, back, shoulders and hips.

3. Breathing - Deep breathing can help relax the body and mind. Yoga will teach you how to take deeper breaths, which calm the nervous system and reduce stress.

4. Strength - Many yoga poses require you to hold your body weight. For example, with Downward Facing Dog you have to use your arms to support your body. These poses can help build your muscular strength.

5. Self-confidence - How you feel mentally depends a lot on how you feel physically. By practicing yoga, you’ll feel good physically, which will make you feel happier and more confident too.

6. Strengthened back - These days, many people spend a lot of time sitting at a computer or driving a car. This can lead to back pain. However, yoga can help reduce and even prevent any backache.

7. Muscle tone - Many yoga poses and positions require you to use the muscles in your legs, arms, back and stomach. This will make them stronger; and in turn, you’ll start looking better too!

8. Reduced stress - Yoga will give you a rest from all the tension at work. As you’re concentrating on your breathing and body, you’ll forget all about your daily troubles.

9. Calmness - Focusing on what your body is doing will bring a sense of calmness to your mind. Yoga also introduces you to meditation techniques, which will help you to relax.

10. Joint health - Yoga is a low impact activity, so you can use your joints without injuring them. Yoga also helps strengthen the muscles around the joints. This is great for people with arthritis as it reduces pain and increases mobility

1. flexible (adj): if your body is 'flexible', you can move it into different positions easily.

2. a hamstring (n): a length of tissue behind your knee. It joins your top leg muscles to the bones in your lower leg.

3. to calm (v): if something 'calm' you, it relaxes you and makes you feel good.

4. a pose (n): a position you make with your body and that you hold for a period of time.

5. body weight (n): the total weight of your body.

6. confident (adj): if you feel 'confident', you feel good about yourself and your ability to do things well.

7. backache (n): a pain in your back

8. troubles (n): problems or difficulties

9. a joint (n): a part of your body that joins two other parts. For example your shoulder, which joins your arm to your body.

Học Từ Vựng Tiếng Anh qua "Yoga"

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