Self-Test Questions in PHP Language For Beginners Part 9

1. With which function can you iterate through a numeric array to extract its values, and how?
2. With which function can you iterate through an associative array to extract the key/value pairs, and how?
3. With what statement could you merge together the arrays $Cars and $Trucks into a new array called $Vehicles?
4. With which statement can you combine all the elements of the array $Itinerary into a string using a separator string of ', '?
5. With what statement could you call the function process() on all elements of the array $info[]?
6. With which function can you add a new value to the end of an array?
7. How can you read and remove the last item in an array with a single statement?
8. When calling the array_push() function, does the value supplied get added to the start or to the end of the array?
9. When calling the array_pop() function, is the value removed from the start or from the end of the supplied array?
10. How can you switch all the keys in an array with their associated values?

Self-Test Questions in PHP Language For Beginners Part 9

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