Find out which buttons and links people are clicking in Wordpress

It's not easy to discover exactly how visitors are interacting with your site. Heat mapping overlays information showing where people are clicking, so you can see whether they are using your site in the way you want.

Step 1: Sign up for the service and you'll be taken to the code page. Click 'copy to clipboard'. You need to paste the code into the header of any page you want the heatmap to work on, so it's best suited to a CMS such as Wordpress, where you can paste it into a generic header that appears on every page.

Step 2: To do this in Wordpress, click Appearance, then Editor in the menu on the left. Under Templates, look for Theme Header and click it (it might be called header.php). Paste the code before the </head> tag. Go back into Hotjar and click 'I have installed the tracking code'.

Step 3: You'll need a few visits for the service to collect enough data, but once that's happened you can return to the service and click Heatmaps. A screenshot of your site appears in the main window, with color-coded hotspots showing where people click. The hotter the color, the more clicks that button or link is getting.

Find out which buttons and links people are clicking in Wordpress

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